Seeing I have been staying and living in Egypt for years, I ought to speak Arabic Amiya when I have something to deal with Egyptian. Well, at the first time I came here in 2008, I couldn’t even to understand this kinda language, let alone to use it although I already have a basic knowledge about Arabic as I have been studying in Arabic faculty in Malaysia and quite familiar with Arabic-grammar structure (Nahu) but frankly speaking, I didn’t know that they don’t use Arabic Fosha in their daily communication.
Shops are also the language school for foreign people
I felt so lost when I had conversation with Egyptian and sometimes I got dumped with someone due to my lack of knowledge about this language. Just for one time in my life, I felt like I was a baby who tried so hard to explain to his father about his feeling while his father didn’t even understand the
Well, time goes by so fast and I have learned lots about Amiya. So here are the some useful words that I am gonna share with you guys, good luck and haz sa3d.
Allah Yusamhak - May Allah forgive you
Use this phrase to someone who does disrespect you for no reason. Surprisingly, they will close their mouth just a second.(perhaps)
An Iznak (M), An Iznik (F) /3diy - With your permission
Be polite, never show your bad attitude to someone when you excuse yourself before leaving. Treat others the way you want to be treated back, don't you think?
Wahashti niy (M), Wahashtiy niy (F) - I miss you (you've made me miss you)
If you had been apart for a while with your friends and at the some time you met them back, It's nice to say this phrase to mention you miss them. It has been used widely for friendship and also for your special one, indeed. lol
Aha / Khara - Shit
In Egypt, we consider it as a bad word for using but frankly speaking, it's commonly used by Egyptian when get angry or something.
Min fadhlak / Lau Samath - Excuse me, pardon me.
These phrases are used as an apology for interrupting a conversation, bumping into someone, asking a speaker to repeat something, politely disagreeing with something said.
Rouh Fiy Sittin Dahiyah - Go to hell
Although it sounds rather devil than it should, it's widely used for joking among Egyptian. For instance, when someone asks you - "where are you going?", and you can simply answer to them, "Ana rouh fiy sittin dahiyah". *chuckle*
Yanhar Aswad - Slang - Damn it! (What a dark day!)
Like the word "Aha", this phrase is often used to add emphasis more than to add meaning, for example," Yanhar Aswad!, ana naset ana 3ndiy shoghol ennharda ", meaning : Dam it! I totally forgot I have work to do today.
Yanhar Abyad - Exclamation - Whoa (What a lovely day)
Same like above but with different meaning and using. For instance, " Ana gebtu thalabat tawzif min England enharda....yanhar abyad! ", meaning : I got a job application offer from England today..whoa!

Shops are also the language school for foreign people
I felt so lost when I had conversation with Egyptian and sometimes I got dumped with someone due to my lack of knowledge about this language. Just for one time in my life, I felt like I was a baby who tried so hard to explain to his father about his feeling while his father didn’t even understand the
Well, time goes by so fast and I have learned lots about Amiya. So here are the some useful words that I am gonna share with you guys, good luck and haz sa3d.
Allah Yusamhak - May Allah forgive you
Use this phrase to someone who does disrespect you for no reason. Surprisingly, they will close their mouth just a second.(perhaps)
An Iznak (M), An Iznik (F) /3diy - With your permission
Be polite, never show your bad attitude to someone when you excuse yourself before leaving. Treat others the way you want to be treated back, don't you think?
Wahashti niy (M), Wahashtiy niy (F) - I miss you (you've made me miss you)
If you had been apart for a while with your friends and at the some time you met them back, It's nice to say this phrase to mention you miss them. It has been used widely for friendship and also for your special one, indeed. lol
Aha / Khara - Shit
In Egypt, we consider it as a bad word for using but frankly speaking, it's commonly used by Egyptian when get angry or something.
Min fadhlak / Lau Samath - Excuse me, pardon me.
These phrases are used as an apology for interrupting a conversation, bumping into someone, asking a speaker to repeat something, politely disagreeing with something said.
Rouh Fiy Sittin Dahiyah - Go to hell
Although it sounds rather devil than it should, it's widely used for joking among Egyptian. For instance, when someone asks you - "where are you going?", and you can simply answer to them, "Ana rouh fiy sittin dahiyah". *chuckle*
Yanhar Aswad - Slang - Damn it! (What a dark day!)
Like the word "Aha", this phrase is often used to add emphasis more than to add meaning, for example," Yanhar Aswad!, ana naset ana 3ndiy shoghol ennharda ", meaning : Dam it! I totally forgot I have work to do today.
Yanhar Abyad - Exclamation - Whoa (What a lovely day)
Same like above but with different meaning and using. For instance, " Ana gebtu thalabat tawzif min England enharda....yanhar abyad! ", meaning : I got a job application offer from England today..whoa!